



Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Do you plan on making a Mac/iPad version?
A Mac version will probably follow, however cannot make any estimates about the release date.

2. What kind of microphone do I need?
First, any regular microphone will work just fine. However for better results we recommend a contact  microphone.
You can find many inexpensive ones (under $5)  by doing a search for "Acoustic Pickup Clip Contact Microphone" on ebay.  Alternatively you can find one at  your local music shop: ask for a contact microphone for acoustic guitar.

3. How can I define the position of my drum pads?

Before using any surface, you have to "train" DrumsAnywhere in order to learn the position of your drum pads.

Click on "Setup surface" icon. Then simply tap a few times at the position you wish to place your virtual drum pad. This is all DrumsAnywhere needs to know in order to detect your hits later.

Note: Marking the drums on the surface is optional and is only for your own reference.

4. If I move the microphone from its position, do I need to "Setup surface" again?

Yes. The microphone is supposed to be steady and in the same exact location. If you move the microphone to another position you must calibrate DrumsAnywhere again ("Setup surface" icon.)

5. Does it require drum sticks to work?
No. It does not require drums sticks in order to work. We have tested this software to work with practically anything (a pencil, a chopstick, your fingers etc.) Hard objects work best.

6. How fast is the response? Does it support stick bounces, buzz rolls etc ?
DrumsAnywhere will respond accurately even to the fastest drummer. The response time is just a few milliseconds. An ASIO sound card provides best performance.

7. Can I use DrumsAnywhere to control VST instruments? Does it provide MIDI output?
Yes. DrumsAnywhere provides a virtual MIDI device. You can send the output to another software (e.g. A VST instrument, a sequencer etc) or external hardware.

8. I have an ASIO card. When I use DrumsAnywhere and a VST instrument at the same time, I get an error.

This is because both programs try to use the same ASIO card. The solution is simple:
Go to DrumsAnywhere Settings->ASIO then check "Disable output."

This will prevent DrumsAnywhere to use your ASIO card for sound output. All sounds now will be produced by your VST instrument via MIDI.

9. I am using the software in ASIO mode, but I cannot setup the pads correctly.
Even if you use the software in ASIO mode, you need to setup the standard Windows devices (microphone and speakers.) Make sure the correct devices are selected at Settings.

10. How can I increase the precision of DrumsAnywhere?

With the right settings DrumsAnywhere can be 100% accurate. Try modifying the following parameters:

-Increase "Precision" by using the slider at the top.
-Increase the recognition threshold by moving the slider at the bottom of the pads to the right.
-Decrease the "Polyphonic Response" slider.

11. Does it work on tables only? What kind of material works best (plastic, wood etc.) ?

DrumsAnywhere will work in almost any relative hard surface. Flat or irregular.

We had a lot of fun using it in various unusual surfaces like walls, floors, mouse pads, everyday objects, staircases. All the above worked flawlessly.

So, your imagination is the limit. DrumsAnywhere lets you turn any surface into an interactive touch pad. DrumsAnywere has been used successfully in multi media, arts installations, school projects etc.

Since MIDI output is provided, you can trigger virtually anything (lights, projectors, audiovisual effects)  programmatically.






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